How Does Juicing Affect Weight Loss?

Several types of juices are available for better health. During summer, most people replace their meals with Juices.


Vegetables or fruit are both used for juicing. The main point is how we lose weight by taking juice. Juices contain a significant amount of nutrients that are beneficial for the body. Ingesting juice in breakfast is a meaningful addition to a healthy diet.

Decrease Calorie Intake

Calorie deficient juices help to lose weight, which means that we consume fewer calories than we burn.

In a short time, juices help weight loss because solid food is absent in most juice diets that consist of about 600-1000 calories per day.


Due to the consumption of low calories, we could lose weight.

Diets and Making You Feel Full 

By the intake of juice, we feel hungry. The reason is the lack of a solid diet in Juices. The apple is known as a good appetizer. If a person uses apple juice, he will feel hungry in no time than the person who ate solid food.


Fiber and proteins are present in solid fruits and vegetables that have appetite properties and contain essential nutrients. While the intake of juices is deficient in these two essential nutrients, this can little difficult to sustain for the long run.

How Natural Juices Affect Your Metabolism

The muscle mass burnt by a limited intake of proteins leads to rapid weight loss. It can have a destructive effect on our metabolism because many juices cause severe calorie deficit. Due to that, the body preserves calories.


Lower resting energy expenditure occurs in the lower muscle mass that is harmful to the body. By taking many experiments, a person who takes, restricted amount of calories experiences a 13% reduction in resting energy expenditure. 


The intake of a restricted-calorie diet can reduce the metabolism within a few days. And that is important to burn calories and for weight loss.

Fat Burning Juices

First of all, replace all meals with juices, and start the intake of a liquid diet. Juices cause many problems in the digestive system of some people and make them weak. Fresh juices are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.


These nutrients help to boost up the metabolism and help to burn calories. Here, we discuss a list of some juices that are yummy and healthy at the same time and help to reduce weight.

Carrot Juice

Carrot juice is loaded with fibers and low in calories and known as a superfood for weight loss. A person who uses carrot juice stays full until lunch. The Bile-Secretions are stimulating due to the use of carrot juice. It helps in the burning of fat and thus aids weight loss.


Some people add half ginger and orange to it to enhance its taste. Without straining, consumption would be a better choice. It is a detox drink that helps to flush out all harmful toxins.

Orange Juice

Orange juice contains low calories and is considered a negative-calorie juice. Freshly squeezed orange juice is healthier than the preserved ones. It has fewer calories than the body requires to burn.


It means that the body burns more than you eat, and this helps to reduce weight within no time. It is the source of Citric Acid, which is better for the burning of fat. Orange juice is a catabolic food.


Karela Juice

Karela juice is bitter but is very beneficial for weight loss. Karela juice promotes the secretion of bile acid from the liver, which helps in metabolizing the fat.


Karela juice is very low in calories. A 100 grams of bitter gourds contain only 17 calories. As a result, this juice is considered the best juice for weight loss.

Cucumber Juice

High water content is low in calories. For weight loss, we need low calories, and the body burns more calories. So it is a good idea to reserve a part of your meals for liquid food that helps to keep you full for a long time. Cucumber juice fills us because of its high water and fiber content.


Some people added lime juice and a few Mint leaves to make a refreshing drink for summer. Cucumber juice also helps indigestion. By the intake of this juice, the person feels fresh. 


Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is considered a beneficial juice for the skin. It enhances the natural glow of the skin. It also helps in weight loss. Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, and conjugated linolenic acid. All these help in the burning of fat and revive our metabolism. It is an appetite-suppressing drink.

Cabbage Juice

Cabbage juice helps to solve stomach problems such as bloating and indigestion. It also clears up the digestive tract and helps to eliminate all harmful wastes. That leads to a weight loss process.


By increasing the use of fiber, the body burns fat quickly. During digestion, water is re-absorbed by the high-fiber vegetables that form a gel-like mass, which helps to feel full for a long time. For better taste, we use apple and lime with cabbage.

Watermelon Juice

A 100-gram watermelon contains only 30 calories and keeps us hydrated. It is rich in amino acids like arginine, which help in fat burning. Watermelon is the best source to fulfill water deficiency. Watermelon seeds are also beneficial for health.

Amla Juice

The digestive system keeps on track throughout the day by the use of amla juice. It boost-up our metabolism. For better results, use amla juice on an empty stomach. In which honey is added as a natural sugar that keeps us energetic and active.

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot juice lack fat and cholesterol. The juice is beneficial for weight loss treatment. It is a source of both soluble and insoluble fibers. It also helps in maintaining bowel movements. The taste of beetroot juice increased due to the aid of either lemon juice, a pinch of salt, or some roasted cumin powder.

Pineapple Juice

Pineapple juice is very effective for burning belly fat. It is beneficial for weight loss treatment. It is a source of both soluble and insoluble fibers. It also helps in maintaining bowel movements. The taste of beetroot juice increased due to the aid of either lemon juice, a pinch of salt, or some roasted cumin powder.

It contains enzymes that helps to burn excess stomach fat and metabolize protein. Bromelain and Lipase enzymes both works together to burn fat and suppress appetite. That is considered catabolic food. Then, the body spends more calories than burning fruits.


●       Fresh juices contain minerals, vitamins, fiber, and .              antioxidants.

●       They accelerate metabolism and help in burning fat.

●       That leads to losing weight within no time.