The Correct Way To Lose Weight

There are no one set standard to lose weight. Everyone has their own correct way to lose weight. Every method is not for everyone. Some people prefer to exercise while others prefer diet plans.


Even some people don’t have to lose weight, they just fear obesity. You can measure obesity with the BMI or with your waist.  BMI is body mass index. The normal BMI for the age of 18 to 64 is 18.5 to 25. And the waist for normal men is up to 40 and for women, it is 35. If they are above this limit, they may be considered as obese.


To find the correct way to lose weight you must have to keep these important things in mind.

Do You Need To Lose The Weight?

Some people still have a normal weight, and they think they have to maintain their weight. Even some people don’t have to lose weight, they just fear obesity. You can measure obesity with the BMI or with your waist.  BMI is body mass index. The normal BMI for the age of 18 to 64 is 18.5 to 25. And the waist for normal men is up to 40 and for women, it is 35. If they are above this limit, they may be in obesity.


To find the correct way to lose weight you must have to keep these important things in mind.

How Much Weight Can You Lose?

When people come to the plan of losing weight they have to find the correct way of losing weight. You can lose 2 pounds a week. You don’t have any superpower tool to decrease your tool in a short time. If you are losing more than 2 pounds a week you are at high risk. If you create a plan to lose weight and you are losing 1 pound to 2 pounds you are going on the right path.

How many Calories do you Need Daily?


You need to check your daily needs for calories. Some people stop eating or start eating less. This is not the correct behavior. If you are going to not eat the calories you need you will suffer from deficiencies. You will have to face essential nutrient deficiencies.



If you are not active in your daily life you should multiply your weight by 13 and subtract it by 500. You will get it really.


 If you are active in your daily life you have to multiply your weight by 15 and subtract it by 500. You will get to know the real calories you need to consume daily.


If you are highly active you have to multiply your weight by 18 and subtract it by 500. Here you have the calories you need on a daily basis.



Do not eat less or stop yourself from eating. It will harm you. If you are willing to decrease your daily intake you should calculate your need and follow it for the long term. This is the correct and simple way to lose weight. 

How Far Should You Go To Decrease Your Weight?

Do not force your body to lose weight. Find only the correct ways that are affected for your body. If we start forcing our body by adopting heavy exercises or strict diet plans we will not be able to stay constant on our weight loss journey.



Always start with the simple and easy steps that are affected for your body. Obviously, your body will respond. This response will be shown after a week. Don’t check your daily weight. You will be fed up and you have to leave your weight loss journey.



Start with a few steps of walking in the morning and increase them with the passage of time. Leave eating sugar in your daily routine and you will be able to adjust your diet plan according to your needs.

Should You Lose Weight Alone Or Should You Seek Assistance?

People start alone to achieve their weight loss goal. Some people can not stay consistent and motivated alone. Just observe your mental strength. Can you stay motivated and stay alone? Do you need someone to make you motivated?


Experts suggest joining a group or friend in your weight loss journey. Studies show the groups or friends stay long on their journey. When you have passionate people around you you learn new ways to lose weight correctly. You can enhance your performance. You can adopt new ways of exercise.


If you eat alone, there is no one who can stop you from eating. If you eat your favorite food, you won’t be able to control your eating habits. 

How To Choose The Best Weight Loss Diet For You?

Every diet works if you are planning to start your weight loss. One thing you have to keep in mind is to stay constant on your diet plan. There is no secret to losing weight. Choose healthy choices. If you limit the number of carbohydrates and fats for the first few months, you will be able to control your weight.


Prefer vegetables and fruits and you will be surprised to see the magic. These healthy choices will be the reason you will be slim one day. There is no specific diet plan or food that is better for your weight loss journey. 

Is Weight Loss A Myth

There is a myth people consider is correct but in reality, it is just a myth. We consider eating less amount of food as a secret of weight loss. But in actuality, we create various types of deficiencies in our bodies. These deficiencies take time to fill. Do not compromise on the food and basic nutrition you have to take daily.



Some people just drink juices and consider it a source of weight loss. But drinking juices fill our stomach with a lot of sugar. This amount of sugar causes weight gain.



Just take healthy items. Take more vegetables, clean protein, and fruits. This is the best way to lose weight.



Limit the amount of alcohol you drink daily. Alcohol contains elements that cause weight gain in the human body. Take one-fourth of the salad on your plate. Take some protein like fish, meat or beans.