How To Lose Weight By Walking

If your lifestyle and age are not compatible to do hardcore workouts and exercises but still wishing to lose weight and tone your body? Are you wondering if you can lose weight by walking?

The answer is YES.

You can!


This article will further help you to clarify, how you can get the results by just walking.

The Importance of Walking 

Walking is one of the easiest and convenient ways for all age groups to lose weight. Rather than other workouts or going to the gym which can be a hassle.

The gym demands special equipment and an instructor or trainer to execute the training with proper strategy but walking is the most cost-effective workout that a person can do on their own.

All you need need is a comfortable pair of shoes and a consistent walking habit as your routine. So you can get started walking and can see the magical results. 

The Ideal Duration to Walk

If your weight loss journey depends only on Walking, then 1 hour each day can help you burn calories and cause weight loss.

If you have a busy routine life and find it difficult to take out a one-hour all-in-one walking session, you can break it up through the course of that day in two sessions.

It is the most cost-effective and easy way workout regimen that can show results. Thus, you can choose whichever routine works best for you.

Can we burn 500 Calories?

Yes, quite possible!

A One-hour walk routine in daily life can reduce 500 calories and a  500-calories deficit per day is sufficient for most people looking to lose weight.

The time spent during a walk also can be correlated with weight loss. As you can walk more hours per day resulting in achieving  your weight loss goal faster and more efficiently . 

The Combined Effect of Dieting and Walking

No doubt that walking itself remains effective to bring magical results but we can’t deny the role of diet combined with walking to reduce weight.

A calorie-restricted diet comes with other health benefits too when we include it with walking. As a general guideline, reducing calorie intake combined with burning fat by walking can rapidly increase the rate of weight loss daily.

This adds up and is considered a healthy and balanced way of reducing weight.

Importance of Different Ways of Walking

Not all types of walking give equal benefits. During your walk it is most important to make sure that your heart rate should reach a moderate-intensity level. 

Ways of walking can be different according to age and gender. Calculating and recording your daily steps is all-important when you’re ready to start your journey to achieve the goal.

Here it is most important to discuss the different ways of walking  that can be more beneficial and can increase the rate of burning more calories than normal walking. 

Top-Notch Walking Workouts

Pick up the Pace

As similar to running, pace also makes a magical difference. A person can speed up the process and burn  more calories by walking at a brisk pace compared to walking more slowly.

When we do more intense motion and speed walking it directly boosts muscle activity not only in your hips and ankles but also in your upper body. Brisk walking has many types, all can be certainly good to pick up the efficient pace.

But picking up the pace gives you more of a cardiovascular workout and can speed up the process of burning more calories, especially when you pump your arms. Increasing the pace does not mean we have to run.

Running and brisk walking are two different ways. Instead of a normal walk, walking briskly will burn extra calories to help with weight loss.

Walking In Hilly Places

When you experience the outdoor terrain, the simulated uphill and downhill walking in a varied pattern is considered one of the best workouts that bring extra results than normal walking.

Walking up at a hilly place can automatically make your workout more challenging. Which in return will be beneficial to burn extra calories rather than a casual walk on straight roads.

The landscape constantly changes so the incline also changes which in return comes with extra walking benefits to boost the heart rate and reduce more calories. To do this modified version of walking is also considered an ideal workout.

Powerful Walking Stride

Let’s first discuss what a Powerful Walking Stride is  and why it becomes extra beneficial than normal walking!

To use your natural stride length and walk faster by taking quicker steps instead of longer ones, is the best and easiest way to make your stride powerful and natural.

Instead of taking longer strides to cover more ground, simply try to let your foot  hit the ground closer to your body. In this way, you can avoid over striding.

Extra Benefits of A Powerful  Stride

Powerful strides and normal walking at regular intervals can also help you maintain an ideal walking posture. By keeping your natural stride length , you can get extra walking benefits with a good body shape. In time as you develop a  habit of walking in a powerful stride, you get into a rhythm.

Practicing powerful strides and pushing off the back foot will help you walk faster. Also, the most important point that you should keep in mind while practicing powerful stride is to build momentum slowly and naturally. In time, you’ll get practiced to retrain your muscles and to stop over-striding.  


Thus to conclude. If you’re new to walking as an exercise, it’s necessary to bring consistency by progressively increasing the duration and intensity of your walks. Adding Walking to your routine as a habit can improve your mood and make you more motivated, healthy, and lead to an amazing life. Staying active and moving more by walking throughout your day can also help to maintain weight loss.