Top 10 (Ten) Benefits of Running

There are many benefits to be obtained from running. It includes the potential to lose weight, improved cardiovascular and respiratory health, improved cardiovascular fitness, reduction in the total blood cholesterol, the strengthening of the bones, the possible strengthening of the immune system and an improved self-esteem and emotional state. Running can make you look and feel better. It makes you feel younger and healthier.  Some will argue that it even slows or reverses the effects of aging.

1:  Running Improves Cardiovascular Health.

With consistent running the heart and lungs adapt over time. The heart becomes stronger, enabling it to pump a greater volume of blood with each new beat. The lungs become more powerful and capable of taking in more air with each breath. Along with the improvement of the cardiovascular system is the ability to run faster with less effort.

2: Running Increases Bone Density

Running places stress on the bones. This in turn stimulates them to adapt by laying down more minerals within the bony matrix to strengthen the structure. Running also increases the production of bone-building hormones in the body, stimulating the body to make more bone cells and inhibiting the activity of cells that break down bone cells. Stronger bones are more resilient and less likely to fracture.

Running has a positive effect by increasing the bone mineral density.

3: Running Builds Strength

Consistent running builds muscles in the lower body in the glutes, quads, and hamstrings. It works out your entire body and strengthens your legs, core, and upper body. In order to build muscle while running it is important to consume carbohydrates and proteins both before and after working out.

4: Running Reduces Stress

When you run the blood circulation to the brain increases. The level of stress tends to be reduced. This improves your mood and cause changes that temporarily improves your reaction to stressful situations. Also, if you’re looking to improve the quality of your sleep a quick run will make you feel better and increase the likelihood of more restful sleep.

5: Running Can Raise Your Self-Esteem and Confidence

Running can improve your self-esteem and confidence. For those who are on a weight-loss journey, running can help since it brings you closer and closer to your goals. Running is a lot about setting goals. It also involves achieving things you didn’t think were possible. Consistent running helps you in the achievement of your weight loss goals and as you achieve those goals your self-esteem and confidence improves.  

6: Running Improves Your Health

Running frequently could lead to lower blood pressure, improved heart rate, improve blood sugar control, lower cholesterol levels and improves knee, back and joint health. Consistent running could also lead to weight loss and body fat percentage. Improving your health can reduce the risk of disease and helps you to feel healthier.

7: Running Burns Calories

Running is a great way of burning calories. It can help you to lose weight. Running increases the body’s metabolism and even after running you will continue to burn an increased level of calories for a short time. Running is a metabolically demanding exercise and burns a lot of calories. With regards to the number of calories burned per minute, running is one of the most efficient types of exercise.

8: Running Is Easily Accessible

Running is described as one of the most accessible fitness activities for its low cost of involvement. All that is required to be involved in the sport of running is a good pair of appropriate shoes with your favorite outfit.  As a casual form of exercise, Running is inexpensive.

9: Running Improves Your Mood 

Running in general has positive influences on your attitude. Whether you are going onto a treadmill or are on the trails, it could provide a positive influence on your mood. The positive feelings experienced from running boost your confidence.

10: Running can Connect You to Nature

Running outdoors in the natural environment could make you more focused.  With outdoor running you will experience the wonderful fresh air in your lungs, and the sights and sounds of nature. Running outdoors in the natural environment causes you to focus more on your surroundings and less on the activity of running itself. This shift in mindset helps you to get more out of the running activity. You will be more motivated to run more often, to go to greater distances and to take more and different routes.