A decrease in body weight which is due to loss of body fat is called weight loss. In some severe cases, body protein and other substances may also be removed. Weight loss can be voluntary or involuntary.
The concept of calorie deficit is very helpful for weight loss. It means using a greater number of calories and consuming a lesser number of calories. The calorie deficit can be achieved in two ways.
● Consumption of fewer calories
● Increasing calories burn
Calorie burn can be increased in many ways. These can be
● Swimming
● Cycling
● Fancy fitness retreat
All the above things play a vital role in increasing calorie burn, but there are hurdles that make them difficult to practice. On the other hand, running has many benefits over other weight loss methods.
Running is an inexpensive method of losing weight. All you need is a pair of shoes, time, and opportunity. It is much cheaper than joining a gym or having a personal trainer. However, it is difficult to add something new while you are dealing with a busy schedule.
‘ O’Connor says.
“ You’ll still need to shift some things around to make running a serious part of your life, but being able to run right out your front door, free of charge eliminates some very real roadblocks”
Importance of Running for Weight Loss
Running is an effective way to lose weight. Running requires a very short period for attaining weight loss goals. It is estimated that almost 100 calories per mile are burned by many runners.
This value may depend on many factors. These most important factors are running duration, pace, and body weight.
According to the National weight control registry data, weight loss goals can successfully be achieved if individuals burn 28000 calories per week. This data suggests 28 miles running per week.
Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise study found that runners lost more weight than walkers over six years, possibly because of the afterburn effect.
‘Running at a high intensity will create an afterburn effect, that body continues to burn calories when you’re no longer moving,’ Rubin says. She suggests starting with three 30-minute runs a week, sprinting for 30 seconds then recovering for 30 seconds to a minute.
Important facts that make running superior to other Exercises in the weight loss journey
● Running Burns a huge amount of calories as compared to other exercises.
● Different kinds of muscles work harder together in running that kind of superiority, making it a top priority workout for weight loss.
● In particular, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) involving running burns the most calories per minute by using various muscles at their maximum power.
● A study with 12 men and 12 women showed that, on average, running 1 mile on the treadmill burned 33 more calories than walking, and running 1 mile on the track burned 35 more calories than walking.
● 33–35 calories may not seem like a huge difference at first, but over a 10-mile run, this may equal burning 330–350 more calories than walking the same distance.
How to Start
● There is a lot of running guidelines and schedules available online which can help you to start your weight loss journey.
● There are different types of running methods that help you in different ways. But before starting the following points should be kept in mind.
Check With Your Doctor
● For beginners, it is an important step. You need to consult your doctor to make sure that running isn’t causing harm to your body in any way.
● For this, discuss running plans, goals, pre-existing conditions, and previous injuries.
Get the Right Shoes
Wearing the wrong running shoes can make you more vulnerable to injuries and general discomfort while running. It may damage your joints and muscles, especially if you are overweight.
Always make choices according to your foot, running gait, and body size. Here are some of the qualities you should keep in mind while making choices for your running shoes.
● Superior cushioning
● Flexibility in the right places
● Stability and motion control
● Traction on road
● Torsional stability
● Nighttime reflectivity
● Breathability
Types of running:
These are the most popular types:
● Base runs:
The normal run is usually termed a base run. It is done at a natural pace. They are short-to-moderate length runs around 6 miles (10 km)
Long Runs
They are very helpful to improve your health and fitness. Longer versions of the base run done at the same pace but over a greater distance of around 10–12 miles (15–20 km).
● Interval runs:
Short, powerful runs repeated several times with short pauses in between. These runs improve your running power and pace.
● Hill repeats:
These are quite similar to interval runs but the point of difference is it is done uphill. These runs are very helpful in improving your stamina.
● Recovery runs:
These are slow runs performed after harder runs such as hill repeats adding extra distance to your total run. Progression runs These mimic competition-style runs by starting slow and finishing at a faster pace. They build stamina, swiftness and decrease fatigue. For example, 5 miles (8 km) at a natural pace, then 1 mile (1.5 km) at a fast pace.
Tips to get good results
Consistency is key to any successful weight loss program, especially one that involves running.
Running with fasting can increase the calorie burn rate.
Time of day
According to research, your exercise benefits are maximized when your body temperature is at its highest. For most people, that is between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m., though some studies extend this time to 7 p.m.
Right refueling
Refueling after a run is important, but the way that you refuel is key if your goal is weight loss.
Voluntary weight loss goals can be achieved by exercise or by cutting down calorie intake. On the other hand, be aware that health issues and lack of proper diet may contribute towards involuntary weight loss.